Title: Day Zero Author: Lindsey Pouge Series Title: The Savage North Chronicles Published: May 13th, 2021 Pages: unknown Format: Kindle Source: Given for an honest review by author
Summary: Survival of the fittest. Those four words accompanied me into the inferno. Followed by four others. I am the weak. And knowing I deserved far worse than death, I let the fire inside me burn.
Before the fever, a deadly plan was set in motion from which a single text altered the world beyond remedy--three words that changed humanity forever. It is time.
After the Great Transformation, life in the North was miserable and bleak for those who remained. Loved ones were mourned. Survivors heard voices and could do impossibly unnatural things. Yet, amidst the fear and uncertainty, the grief and despair, Bert, Ross, Kat, and Cal found a semblance of hope.
These are the stories of those who survived the beginning.
My Review:
I read this book with the agreement of an honest and unbiased review. I am not compensated for my reviews. My reviews are strictly my opinion. Day Zero. The chilling beginnings of how the Ending started for certain characters in the Savage North Chronicles. I was so happy to see what happened to Jenny, the sister for our main girl of the series. And Ross, the brother-in-law for our main man of the series. There was always a bit of a mystery for these two characters. So it was amazing to see what happened to them in the beginnings. We also have Cal, who is a child in this novella. I feel like Day Zero filled in some blanks and answered questions we were left with in the series. This novella really makes me want to dive back in to this series with fresh eyes |
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