Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Review: Elixer by Ted Galdi

Star Rating: 5/5

This novel was second author requested read and my first physical ARC copy. I would re-read this book, however, it was lost during the hurricane.
I find it funny really, a friend of mine read this book and she hated it. Which I couldn't see. I fully enjoyed this book.
Read my really short review, for Elixer, below.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Review: Determined Hearts By Diana Stout

Star Review: 4/5 Stars

I received a pdf file of this book for an honest review.

In Determined Hearts, you follow Jennifer as she tries to follow the famous Hawk Hunter while he introduces Bald Eagles on his ancestors' mountains in Iowa. Trying to leave her current boss for a big name wildlife magazine, she strikes a deal, only catch, she has to write an article for both companies. Being forced to spend two weeks with Hawk, Jennifer starts to question if she wants to pursue her love of photography or her womanly desire to the ex romance novel model.
You also follow Hawk, a Native American who grew weary of the city life. Making a promise to his great grandfather, Hawk leave New York to reintroduce Bald Eagles in his ancestors old land. With the unannounced arrival on Jennifer, Hawk starts to wonder if his living in solitude was actually suppose to be easy, or if having a companion is what he needed.... Just like his Eagles.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Review: Once Upon A Road Trip by Angela Blount

Star Reviews: 5/5
Recommend: Highly

I have to say, I am quite impressed with this book!
First I want to apologize to Mrs. Blount about the long time of reading before I could write this review.
Now onto my review.
Angeli, she is such an amazing character with a great personality. I enjoyed her road trip on meeting her friends and seeing how much she cared about them. I enjoyed reading her growth as a person and to discovering herself.
Angela Blount wrote an exceptional book about learning ones self and discovering her purpose.
I know my review is quite short, but I can not put into words how much I enjoyed this book.
Thank you!

You can visit Angla's website here and receive more information on her upcoming books!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Angel Fall By Susan Ee

Read twice. Originally read in July of 2013

Okay... Anything about angels just flat out creep me out. But this one..... Mmmm.
I love to read books during the night. I recently read my first and only Vampire book and i can read graphic zombie books during the night.
However, this one freaked me out. No idea if it's a good or bad thing, but i couldn't read a single battle. I had to wait till morning while i was groggy to read those.
This book reminds me a lot of the movie "Legion."
But seriously, this is the freakiest book i've read. I might be portraying myself as a wimp, but i don't care.
Okay now for a happy bit. :)
You feel bad for the characters. You feel the emotions that the main character feels. But I think i felt bad for Raffe. The characters are strong and the plot is a good one. I felt that it moved to fast, but it was all in all, a good story.
I would give it 4 stars. But i think 3 is just fine. The book wasn't bad.... But it's far from my favorites

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Two Graves by Zoe Kalo

2 out of 5 stars.

Recommend: not really

Final thoughts: waste of time

I was given an opportunity to read and review this book by Authors Assistant......