The ones that drive me crazy.
The notorious.
The ones that make me fume.
I know, I know. By now you are saying just get on with the list. Well, here it is.
My Top 10 Bookish Pet-Peeves:
10. Folded Pages.
Now I know that it drives more people crazy than most. I make this my number 10 since I use to do this. So really it isn't my main one since I myself did that horrendous crime.
9. Typos.
Now for some odd reason I am noticing a lot of typos in published books. For example, I am reading Three Dark Crowns and I spotted a couple of typos and I am only half way through.......
8. Non-Related CoverArt.
This one drives me crazy from time to time. I will find a book and think it would be one thing, judging from the coverart. Only to find out that the cover art has NOTHING to do with the theme of the book.
7. Over Hyped Books.
Over hyped books are on this list as well. Due to the fact that everyone raves about a specific book. So when I get it and read it, I notice that it isn't all that great and I want to give up. Cough Cough..... Red Queen
6. Sex scenes.
I can not STAND the amount of sex that is being put into books lately. If I want to read a mystery novel. I am reading it for the mystery. NOT the sex that is in full detail that takes up half of a book!!!! If I want a sex book, I will get an erotica, NOT a mystery novel....... seriously this needs to stop.
5. Book to Movie Adaptions.
Now I love watching movies just as much as I love to read. So when I read a book and find out it will be a movie, I usually am not impressed. I am one of those people who visualize what they read. So I see a movie in my head when I read those words on the pages. I have an idea of what I see and usually the movie is wrong. LOL
4. Audiobooks
Audiobooks is also on this list. Sometimes I will want to listen to an audiobook, especially if I am on the computer all day. But what I HATE about audiobooks is that it doesn't seem personal. That the "sounds" they use for sounds like for words that are stroked through. Perfect example: Shatter Me.
3. ebooks
Ebooks is another one on my list. I despise ebooks. I don't care if it is the new way of reading on the go. But I prefer a physical book. I love turning the pages, having the weight of a book in my hands.
2. Fanpages for books
Honestly, I have no idea why I hate fanpages. Maybe cause they want to write their own versions... I am not sure.
And finally....
Free Books/ARC/Beta Books
These are the ones I find crazy and annoy the living daylight out of me. I understand if they are new authors or the book isn't physically published yet. But why is it that when you hear Free Books or authors want to send free books, that they are not the physical book?
What happened to those days?
In the 3 years that I have been doing this. I only ever received 2 physical books. TWO.
I still do ARC/Beta reading and I do sometimes get the "free books." However, I want to get a physical book, NOT an ebook.
Well, that is all for my pet-peeves.
Do you have any similar to what mine are? Tell me in the comments below!
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